Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Dalam rangka pelestarian tumbuhan di Kebun Raya Liwa (konservasi ex-situ), telah...
Study on plant diversity by exploration and collection have been carried out at ...
Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park is the representation of the Bukit Barisan m...
The destruction of lowland tropical forests represents one of the greatest threa...
Deforestation of low land tropical forest is one of the greatest threats to biod...
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Conservation Efforts Of Piperaceae Of Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan In Liwa Botanic Garden, Lampung Barat Regency
Piperaceae is one of the largest family in Angiospermae, which has economic value, both for traditional medicine ingredients and spices. In Bukit Bari san Selatan National Park (TNBBS), there are many species of Piperaceae which are re latively abundant for some species. Conservation efforts need to be done considering the conversion of forests become severe and also economic reason that can be obtained from this plant. Exploration activity has been carried out in order to collect various species of Piperaceae in TNBBS, and then planted in the Liwa Botanical Gardens which is located in Liwa, Lampung Barat regency as the conservation efforts. Some researches have been done to adapt some Piper at the Liwa Botanic Garden. From the field, we have obtained 12 species of Piper. Procceding of the International Workshop on “Sustainable Management of Bio-Resources in Tropical Peat Swamp Forest. Research Center for Biology, LIPI, 19 Juli 2011. Page: 258-265 ISBN 978-602-18104-0-8