Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Penelitian ikan pada komunitas padang lamun di perairan pesisir Kei Besar telah ...
Padang lamun merupakan ekosistem yang kompleks dan habitat penting bagi kehidupa...
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Artikel dengan Judul "Komunitas Gastropoda di Padang Lamun Perairan Pulau Moti, ...
Survei jenis ikan monacanthidae telah dilaksanakan pada ekosistem padang lamun d...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Diversitas Ikan Pada Komunitas Padang Lamun di Pesisir Perairan Pulau Kei Besar, Maluku Tenggara
The study on seagrass fishes community in the coastal waters of Kei Besar Islands, Maluku Tenggara was conducted in July and September 2011. The aims of study were determine the composition of species and structure of fish community in seagrass beds ecosystems. Fish samples were collected by using a beach seine at 6 sites, such as South Kelapa Island, East Kelapa Island, West Kelap Island, Karkarit, Tansos, and Uwatrean. A total of 745 fish specimens were collected, belonging to 56 species and 29 familia. Gerres oyena had the highest individual abudance of 12,09 persen. Siganus spinus had the highest biomassa of 15,87 persen. The quantitative analysis on the abundance data revealed that Shannon diversity index (H’) renged betwen 1,6936-2,504; Pielou’s evenness index (j’) was 0,6875-0,8343; and species richness Margalef index (d) was 2,025-5,041. The results show that the seagrass fish community condition of Kei Besar Island can be classified as low to medium category Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains & Teknologi V