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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Informasi Dataset




Dataset Serupa
Isolation of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Indonesian Fermented food

This study was conducted to isolate the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from Indonesi...

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Species Diversity Of Euphorbiaceae In Karimunjawa Islands And New Record For Jav...

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INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Diversity And Distribution Of Culturable Lactic Acid Bacterial Species In Indonesian Sayur Asin


Background and Objectives: Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) play important roles in processing of Sayur Asin (spontaneously fermented mustard). Unfortunately, information about LAB in Indonesian Sayur Asin, prepared by traditional manufactures which is important as baseline data for maintenance of food quality and safety, is unclear. The aim of this study was to describe the diversity and distribution of culturable lactic acid bacteria in Sayur Asin of Indonesia.Materials and Methods: Four Sayur Asin samples (fermentation liquor and fermented mustard) were collected at harvesting times (3-7 days after fermentation) from two traditional manufactures in Tulung Agung (TA) and Kediri (KDR), East Java provinces, Indonesia. LAB strains were isolated by using MRS agar method supplemented with 1 persen CaCO3 and characterized morphologically. Identification of the strains was performed basedon 16S r DNA analysis and the phylogenetic tree was drawn to understand the phylogenetic relationship of the collected strains.Results: Different profiles were detected in total count of the plates, salinity and pH of fermenting liquor of Sayur Asin in TA and KDR provinces. A total of 172 LAB isolates were successfully isolated and identified based on their 16S rDNA sequences. Phylogenetic analysis of 27 representative LAB strains from Sayur Asin showed that these strains belonged to 5 distinct species namely Lactobacilus farciminis (N=32), L. fermentum (N=4), L. namurensis (N=15), L. plantarum (N=118) and L. parafarraginis (N=1). Strains D5-S-2013 and B4-S-2013 showed a close phylogenetic relationship with L. composti and L. paralimentarius, respectively where as the sequence had slightly lower similarity of lower than 99 persen, suggesting thatthey may be classified into novel species and need further investigation due to exhibition of significant differences in their nucleotide sequences. Lactobacillus plantarum was found being dominant in all sayur asin samples.Conclusion: Lactobacilli were recognized as the major group of lactic acid bacteria in Sayur Asin including 5 known and 2 novel candidate species. The distribution of LAB species was associated with the manufactures where Sayur Asin is produced. Iranian Journal of Microbiology, Vol. 8 No. 4. August 2016. P : 274-281

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