Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Pada penelitian ini, telah dilakukan proses tempa panas terhadap bahan paduan Co...
The diffusion in Ni-Co-Re and Ni-Co-Ru systems have been investigated in the tem...
Logam paduan Co-Cr-Mo (ASTM F75) merupakan logam implan dari hasil casting yang ...
This paper reports the influence of Ni/Ti ratio in Ni-Ti-Cu alloys and of the ad...
Telah dilakukan uji korosi dan toksisitas pada hasil pembuatan paduan material i...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Dynamic Strain Aging in Co-33Ni-20Cr-10Mo Superalloy
In the present study, hot deformation characteristic in Co-33Ni-20Cr-10Mo superalloy was carried out by using hot compression test in the temperature range from 700-900 ºC and strain rates ranging from 0.01-30 s–1 with a constant strain 0.5. The flow curves showed high work hardening rate at those temperatures. At temperatures 700-750 ºC, the 0.2 persen flow stress decreased with increasing strain rate, while at temperatures 800-850 ºC, the 0.2 persen flow stress is independent of a strain rate. Negative strain rate sensitivity was obtained at temperatures 700-900 ºC, suggesting the dislocation solute interaction occurred in those temperature ranges. The stacking fault energy was calculated on the basis of a thermodynamic model and was discussed in relation with DSA. DSA come from Suzuki segregation; chemical interaction between solute atoms and stacking faults bonded by the shockley partials. DSA is categorized as one of catastrophic phenomena in hot working process of Co-33Ni-20Cr-10Mo superalloy. Proceeding of International Seminar on Applied Technology, Science and Arts (3rd APTECS)