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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Removal Artifacts from EEG Signal Using Independent Component Analysis and Princ...

In recording the EEG signals are often contamination signal called artifacts. Th...

Artifacts Removal of EEG Signals using Adaptive Principal Component Analysis

Analysis of EEG activity usually raises the problem of differentiating between g...

Automatic Artifacts Removal of EEG Signals using Robust Principal Component Anal...

Analysis of EEG activity usually raises the problem of differentiating between g...

P300 Extraction using nonlinear adaptive filter for EEG based inter-stimulus int...

In this paper, an application of nonlinear adaptive filter for online P300 extra...

Preliminary Study of Soil Permeability Properties using Principal Component Anal...

Soil permeability measurement is undoubtedly important in carrying out soil-wate...

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EEG-P300 Extraction using Recursive Principal Component Analysis


By extracting specific brain activity from recorded EEG signals and linking it to specifically developed algorithms, an interface between a computer and the users’ brain is created. Artifacts or noise sources increase the difficulty in analyzing the EEG and to obtaining neural activity. In this paper, a recursive principal component analysis algorithm for brain activity extraction is proposed. The algorithm is designed to adaptively derive a relatively small number of decorrelated linear combinations of a set of random zero-mean variables while retaining as much of the information from the original variables as possible. The proposed method was tested in real EEG records acquired from seven subjects and it can effectively enhance the spike for all subjects. Finally, the promising results reported here reflect the considerable potential of EEG for the continuous extraction of mental states. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)

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