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Dataset Serupa
Effects Of Biofertilizer Containing Microbial Of N-Fixer, P Solubilizer And Plan...

Biofertilizer has been identifi ed as an alternative to chemical fertilizer to i...

The Synergy Of Biochar, Compost And Biofertilizer For Development Of Sustainable...

To initiate the decomposition process need decomposer inoculants and an easily a...

Study on Soil Enzymatic Activities and Soil Microbial Population of Different Pl...

Soil microbial population, microbial respiration and soil enzyme activity were e...

Potency of biocontrol agents isolated from compost and peat soil of tropical pea...

Rhizoctonia solani is a soil pathogen that causes diseases in wide range of host...

The Effect Of Biofertilizer Fungi On Ciherang Rice Growth At Some Level Of Soil ...

A research about the effect of fungus contained biofertilizer on Ciherang rice t...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Effect of Compost and Biofertilizer to Soil Phosphatase and Urease Activities in Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.) Cultivation


Organic farming activities basically work on improved organic soil substrate which gives impact to plant growth promoting bacteria. On the other hand, the use of agrochemicals leave chemical residue in the soil. In an effort to get the quality of organic matter and selected microbes as a biofertilizer material, this research had been done. Half ripe composting (HRC) process of organic substrate was utilized to enrich soil containing agrochemical residue, while ripe compost (RC) substance amended to soil free residue. That compost was used in broccoli cultivation. Microbial degrading pesticide was added to compost as biofertilizer formula. Even though plant biomass and the yield of flower was unclearly affected, but more HRC augmentation to the treatments, but moreover, the HRC application as due to “semi-on-site-composting” practices in soil containing agrochemical residue would cut off compost processing time. Soil microbial activities measured through soil respiration, urease and phosphomonoesterase activities indicated that the value was lower in samples collected from soil free residue compared to soil containing residue. Utilization of chicken manure resulted in the availbility of high nitrogen compounds and causing imbalance absorption by plant, compared with the use of HRC and RC in this study. Jurnal Biologi Indonesia 11(1): 131-140

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