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Dataset Serupa
Effects of Austenized and Forged on Microstructure and Mechanical of MIL A-12560...

Laterite steels might be used for alternative armored steels. Their properties c...

Characteristic of Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Heat Rolled Laterit...

Indonesia has the most laterite ore reserves in the world. The element originate...

The Influence Of Heat Treatment On Microstructure And Mechanical Strength Of Lat...

Indonesia memiliki sumber bijih nikel laterit dan batubara yang melimpah. Walaup...

Effect of Panel Density and Resin Content on Properties of Medium Density Fiberb...

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of panel density and resin conte...

Effect of Multi Pass High Energy Milling on Morphology and Rheological Propertie...

Multi pass high energy milling dilakukan untuk memotong dan mendispersikan suspe...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Effects of Austenitizing and Forging on Mechanical Properties of MIL A-12560/AISI 4340 Steel


Laterite steels might be used r alternative armored steels. Their properties can beimproved in various ways, such as by heat treatment. This paper reports the influences oftempering temperature on the hardness and microstructure of the modified MIL A-12560/AISI 4340 steels. Samples were austenitized at 1200, 1000, and 800C and forged at 100, 75,and 50 tons. Mechanical properties consisted of Hardness measurement was conducted byBrinell indentation and metallographic observation was conducted by scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM). The results showed that increasing forging force until 100 tons candecrease hardness. The formation of the microstructure consists of tempered martensitecontaining ferrite and dual phase perlite. The presence of void and porous can also decreasehardness. Decreasing austenizing temperature from 1200 C to 800C can increase materialstrength and hardness. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 202 (2017) 012084

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