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Eggs production trait of Indonesian domestic ducks inferred from analysis of a S...

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INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Eggs production trait of Indonesian domestic ducks inferred from analysis of an SNP (single nucleotide analysis) genotypes in the 5th exon of prolactin gene


Various approaches to increase eggs production of Indonesian domestic ducks are very essential things. Superior ducks that have high eggs productivity are needed in supporting food security in Indonesia. Thus, this study genetically informs the presence of an SNP in the 5th exon of prolactin (PRL exon5) gene to determine egg production trait of 4 Indonesian domestic ducks. This study applied the SNP(C5961) that was found by previous authors. The DNA was extracted from blood taken from each individual of 93 ducks consisted of 24 Tegal ducks, 25 Magelang ducks, and 22 Mojosari ducks, and 22 Boyolali ducks. A single DNA fragment PRLexon5 was amplified by PCR, and sequenced. DNA sequences aligment showed that SNP (C5961T) was equal with SNP(C97T) of our sequenece data. Therefore, this genotypes study analysis was focused on the SNP(C97T). Sequence genotypes informed that majority of the examined ducks had TT genotype that exhibited low egg weight and production traits. Only three ducks have the CC genotype and 25 ducks have CT genotype. The CC and CT genotypes were exhibited high egg production and big egg weight. This study might be used for further breeding strategy program to improve the quality of Indonesian domestic ducks.Key words : SNP, Prolactin gene exon 5, Egg production trait, genotype, Indonesian domestic ducks Proceeding The 7th ASIAHORCs General Meeting and the 5th Joint Symposium Bali, Indonesia, 26-28 November 2013. 2014 : 111-117

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