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Qarcass quality trait of Indonesian domestic ducks based on analysis of a SNP (S...

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INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Qarcass quality trait of Indonesian domestic ducks based on analysis of a SNP (Single Nucleotipe Polymorphism) in the second intron of Growth Hormon gene


Superior ducks are needed in supporting food safety in Indonesia. Carcass quality is one of the important traits of domestic duck. Geneticaly, superior carcass quality of domestic ducks could be determined by the presence of an SNP(C172T) marker in the second intron of Growth Hormon (GHint2) gene that was founded by previous authors. This study used and applied the SNP(C172T) marker to determine carcass quality trait of some Indonesian domestic ducks. Totally 100 ducks consisted of 24 Tegal ducks, 26 Magelang ducks, 20 Mojosari ducks , and 30 Boyolali ducks were examined. DNA was extracted from each individual duck and single fragment of GHint2 was amplified by PCR and sequenced. Alignment analysis show that the posistion of SNP(C172T) was equal with SNP(C136T) of our sequence data. The SNP C136T informed that the majority of the examined ducks have TT (79.16 persen) and TC (18.16 persen) genotypes that exhibited superior carcass quality trait. Mojosari ducks have highest TT genotype (95.00 persen), following by Tegal ducks (91.20 persen), Boyolali ducks (76.66 persen), Magelang ducks (73.00 persen), respectively.Key words : SNP, second intron of Growth Hormon gene ,carcass quality trait, genotype, Indonesian domesticated ducks Proceeding of the 2nd APIS, 2014 :65-70. University of Brawijaya, Malang 29th August-1st Sepetember 2013.

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