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Endemic Plants of Mt. Rinjani: An Outlook to The Conservation Strategy

Gunung Rinjani diyakini merupakan sumber utama keanekaragaman tumbuhan di Pulau ...

Endemic Plants Mt. Rinjani: An Outlook To The Conservation Strategy

W Wardani, A Hidayat, EF Hidayat, A Kartonegoro, LD Sulistyaningsih, ES Kuncari ...

An integrated strategy for the ex situ conservation of orchids

There is an urgent used to establish an integrated orchid conservation strategy ...

Sarcotheca Macrophylla Blume: an Endemic Plant Species of Borneo

Sarcotheca macrophylla Blume or “Pengo” (Kalimantan/Dayak Kenyah) belongs to the...

Conservation Of Orchids The Gems Of The Tropics

Most tropical orchids originate from tropical rain forests with complex ecosyste...

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Endemic plants of Mt. Rinjani: An outlook to the Conservation Strategy


Mount Rinjani, lies in the island of Lombok, is believed as the major source of plant diversity in the island today. This is caused primarily by the rapid land conversion to the less steep plains for agricultural industries. Although in the sum of less than 50 persen of the estimated native plant species, the endemic inhabit the mountain area is of important in conservation since very limited information known to these species. At the same time, the habitat is threatened by tourism activities, mainly on the tracks lead to caldera. There is an urgent need to establish a working conservation strategy to ensure the sustainability of them. In this paper, the occurrence of endemic species based on herbarium records and literatures with the proposed conservation strategy is discussed. Floribunda, 2012, 4(5): 107-112

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