Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Gunung Rinjani diyakini merupakan sumber utama keanekaragaman tumbuhan di Pulau ...
Mount Rinjani, lies in the island of Lombok, is believed as the major source of ...
The native plants of East Borneo the Costus specious (Koening) J.E. Smith stem, ...
W Wardani, A Hidayat, EF Hidayat, A Kartonegoro, LD Sulistyaningsih, ES Kuncari ...
Plants in the genus Rafflesia (Rafflesiaceae) bear the largest flowers in the wo...
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Sarcotheca Macrophylla Blume: an Endemic Plant Species of Borneo
Sarcotheca macrophylla Blume or “Pengo” (Kalimantan/Dayak Kenyah) belongs to the family Oxalidaceae. The plant also known as Borneo endemic plant species. The study in distribution has been made based on the herbarium specimen observation at Herbarium Bogoriense and several expeditions in Kalimantan which include West, East, Central and South provinces of Kalimantan. The potential uses of this species have been studied through survey of literature and interview with the local people in Kalimantan during the expedition. This plant occurred in West, Central and East of Kalimantanin a minor population and scattered in secondary forest, especially along the riverside. The fruit is edible with sour taste, indicated the high content of vitamin C, and eaten by primate such as orang utan, monkey and other mammals. The fruit also used as natural shampoo by locals. The root was reported as one of material that can be used in the practice of contraception. Morphological description and potential uses of this species are presented in this paper. Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference for Indonesia Forestry Researchers. Forestry Research or Sustainable Forest Management and Community Welfare. Ministry of forestry. Forestry Research and Development Agency. ISBN 978-979-8452-62-8