Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
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INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Etnobotani Jenis-Jenis Pandanaceae Sebagai Bahan Pangan di Indonesia
Ethnobotany study the species of Pandanaceae as food in parts of Indonesia is based on the results of a study carried out in stages from 1990 until 2008. This study aimed to explore alternative sources of additional food family Pandanaceae and basic data for developing a new food source for the wealth of food in Indonesia. This study was important because there were no detailed data reveal about the sources of food that comes from the famity of Pandanaceae. Data were obtained through interviews, exploration, and direct observation and literature study. The study showed that the family of Pandanaceae had numerous benefits not only as craft materials and local technology, but some kind of famity Pandanaceae useful as a medicinal, flavoring materials, dyes and food supplies. Recorded eight species that had value as food were Pandanus conoideus, Pandanus brosimus, Pandanus julianettii, Pandanus tectorius, Pandanus dubius, Pandanus iwen, Pandanus krauelianus, and Sararanga sinuosa. Species of pandanus like the Pandanus conoideus known as red fruit has economic value after this species of Pandanus known efficacious drugs. Traditionally, this species has benefits as a food flavoring material that is as a source of vegetable sauce for the people of Papua. While the species of Sararang a sinuosa. Besides potential as fruits, the fruit has also content vitamin C that relatively quite high. The detailed results of phytochemical analysis and nutritional value of Pandanus spp as food materials presented in this paper. Berkala Penelitian Hayati, Edisi Khusus: 5A, 2010. Hal. 97-108