Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Fitamaya Asmapara Natural Forest Area is located in Katingan District, Central K...
Some species of the family Myrtaceae has been used in human life, among which ar...
Pulau Kalimantan terkenal akan keanekaragaman tumbuhannya, termasuk juga untuk j...
Kawasan In Situ (suaka alam) dan Ex Situ (satwa) di Kabupaten Karanganyar
Luas tutupan hutan di Kalimantan utara mencapai 4.830.032,31 Ha. Sekitar 30,77% ...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Ex-Situ Conservation Efforts Through Explorating Flora Diversity in Katingan Natural Forest Area, Central Kalimantan
Kalimantan is well known for its plants diversity, while the threads of deforestation is getting severe Exploration of flora diversity in the natural forest area of PT Fitamaya Asmapara (one of the forest concessions in Katingan District, Central Kalimantan) was conducted to inventory the plants in the region as an effort of ex-situ plant conservation in the Katingan Botanical Gardens. Activities were carried out in February-March 2013 by exploring logged forest areas and primary forests. Explorative method was used by exploring the specific area where the diversity is still abundant. Observation and identification on the plants collected showed that there are 226 plant species included in the 68 families and 129 genera. Some plant species obtained are endemic to Borneo, including in the IUCN Redlist, CITES Appendices II and protected plant by Government Regulation PP No.7 of 1999. Nepenthes reinwardtiana, Grammatophyllum speciosum, and Coelogyne pandurata are protected by Government Regulation PP No. 7 of 1999 and included in CITES Appendices II. Six species (Etlingera aurantia, Diospyros borneensis, Musa borneensis, Sympetalandra borneensis, Osmoxylon borneense, and Eusyderoxylon zwagerii) are endemic to Borneo. Nine others species (Eusyderoxylon zwageri, Durio dulcis, Dryobalanops lanceolata, Gonystylus bancanus, Shorea guinensis Dipterocarpus baudii, Dipterocarpus tempehes, Shorea platyclados, and Hopea semicuneata) are included in the IUCN Redlist. Proceedings of the 2nd Inafor 2013 “Celebrating a 100-year Forestry Research in Indonesia: forestry research for sustainable forest management an community welfare”. ISBN 978-979-8452-62-8