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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Ex-Situ Conservation Efforts Through Explorating Flora Diversity in Katingan Nat...

Kalimantan is well known for its plants diversity, while the threads of deforest...

Fruit Plants of Kalimantan: Results of Field Exploration and Conservation

Kalirnantan is rich in its diversity of endemic fruit species, which include amo...

Diversity of Pandanus spp. in Wetland Area of Kalimantan

Bornean Pandanaceae has been thoroughly studied by Stone since 1967. Fifty three...

Composition of seed bank in the Sebangau peat Swamp Forest, Central Kalimantan

With the increasing human population, the destruction of forests is a fact that ...

Species And Functional Diversity Of Rhizobacteria Of Rice Plant In The Coastal S...

Rhizobacteria are important components of soil and directlyor indirectly influen...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Diversity of medical plants in natural forest area of Fitamaya Asmapara, Central Kalimantan and Its Conservation Effort


Fitamaya Asmapara Natural Forest Area is located in Katingan District, Central Kalimantan. The medicinal plant is one of important material in the forest, which is will unexplored more in that area. Research related to data collection and the diversityof its growth potential as a natural medicine had been done in February uo to March 2013. Its purpose was to determine the total plant diversity and its potential as a natural remedy that can be utilized. Based on extensive literature survey, there are 61 species of medicinal plants (tree, shrubs, herbs, and climbers). They used mostly as traditional medicine for common diseases such as diarrhea, tanic, cough, and fever. Few of them are known as rare plants, such as Anaxagorea javanica and Piper porphyrophyllum. Those plants were also collected to be unserved in Katingan Botanic Garden. Bogor 10-12 September 2014. Hal. 355-360 ISBN 978-979-3819-87-7

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