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Timun Laut Anggota Famili Stichopodidae (Aspidochirotida, Holothuroidea, Echinod...

Lebih dari 300 spesimen timun laut disimpan di ruang koleksi Puslit Oseanografi,...

Siput Ektoparasit Epitoniidae (Gastropoda: Mollusca) pada Inang Karang dan Anemo...

Ectoparasite gastropods of Family Epitoniidae that are found associated with cor...

Keanekaragaman Jenis Gastropoda Famili Conidae di Perairan Halmahera, Maluku Uta...

Conidae merupakan salah satu famili moluska dari kelas Gastropoda yang umum dite...

Keong Hama Pomacea di Indonesia: Karakter Morfologi dan Sebarannya (Mollusca, Ga...

The golden apple snail Pomacea is an invasive species not only in Indonesia but ...

implementasi network address translation (nat) menggunakan kerio control versi 7...

Biotechnology Research Center as an institution engaged in the research, the nee...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Famili Strombidae (Stromboidea: Gastropoda: Mollusca) Koleksi Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi-LIPI


Number of specimen collections of mollusks from the Family Strombidae that deposited on Research Center for Oceanography (P2O LIPI). Jakarta are not too much. These specimen coilections were collected from various research and expeditions from various regions in Indonesia. Many publications report presence of this family throughout Indonesia. Members of this family has considerable morphological variation. therefore morphological characters are very important in the identification process. Only 23 of 86 species of Family Strombidae in the world deposited in RCO - LIPI, which is consist of 13 genera. Seminar Nasional Mataki I, Jakarta 20-22 September 2011. Hal. 74-87 ISBN 978-979-3378-64-0

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