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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Leptoconchus spp. (Coralliophilidae: Gastropoda); Siput Parasit pada Karang Jamu...

Leptoconchus spp. (Coralliophilidae: Gastropoda) are parasite snails that live a...

Famili Strombidae (Stromboidea: Gastropoda: Mollusca) Koleksi Pusat Penelitian O...

Number of specimen collections of mollusks from the Family Strombidae that depos...

Keong Hama Pomacea di Indonesia: Karakter Morfologi dan Sebarannya (Mollusca, Ga...

The golden apple snail Pomacea is an invasive species not only in Indonesia but ...

Sejarah dan Bukti Evolusi pada Gastropoda

Evolution is a long process of changing that occurs slowly in a relatively long ...

Bisa dan racun pada Mollusca: Bahaya dan potensi

Many organisms that have prevailed through evolution are in many cases equipped ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Siput Ektoparasit Epitoniidae (Gastropoda: Mollusca) pada Inang Karang dan Anemon Laut


Ectoparasite gastropods of Family Epitoniidae that are found associated with coral and sea anemone are either generalists or specialists. Species identification of ectoparasite gastropods is based on characters of anatomy, morphology, and their ecological aspects. Distribution of ectoparasite snails is mirroring the distribution of their coral and sea anemone host. Identification process of epitoniid snails would be easy and interesting with advance of molecular bioechnology. Oseana, Vol. XXXVII, No. 4. Hal. 13-25 ISSN 0216-1877

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