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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Informasi Dataset




Dataset Serupa
Pohon Penghasil Nut Di Kebun Raya Bogor Sebagai Sumber Alternatif Pangan

Nut adalah salah satu hasil hutan non kayu yang telah lama dikonsumsi oleh masya...

Pohon Maladewa (Macadamia hildebrandii Steenis) tumbuhan endemik Sulawesi, kolek...

Macadamia hildebrandii Steenis is one of the prestigious plant species in wallac...

Potensi Koleksi Cauliflora di Kebun Raya Bogor

Cauliflora is a botanical term referring to plants which flower and fruit from t...

Trevesia Dan Konservasinya Di Kebun Raya Bogor.

Trevesia termasuk tumbuhan suku mangkok-mangkokan (Araliaceae), yang unik dan me...

Keanekaragaman dan Penyebaran Gall di Kebun Raya Bogor

In order to know the habitat preference gradation for gall-forming insects from ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Fenologi pohon ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri Teijsm. & Binn.) di Kebun Raya Bogor


The phenological study of ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri Teijsm. & Binn.) has been carried out for three years (2001-2004) in the Bogor Botanic Garden (BBG). BBG is one of the ex-situ conservation for plants under the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). The results from this study showed that iron wood is evergreen species, with the abortion of leaves that occurred throughout the year but with a small amount. The growth of shoot buds occurred 3-4 times a year during the rainy season or dry season. The period of flowering occurred up to nine months in a year which also did not depend on the season. Although often flowering, it was very rare to find the fruit. This was probably due to the natural pollinators of this species were not available in the Bogor Botanic Garden Prosiding Lokakarya Nasional "Status Konservasi dan Formulasi Strategi Konservasi Jenis-jenis Pohon yang Terancam Punah (Ulin, Eboni dan Michelia)" Puslitbang Konservasi dan Rehabilitasi, Badan Litbang Kehutanan, Kementerian Kehutanan RI, tanggal 18-19 Januari 2011. hal. 132-139

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