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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Rice Improvement in Anticipation to The Impact of Global Climate Change at-LIPI,...

Rice prone to loses due to biotic and abiotic stresses. Global climate change, c...

Implications Of Rainfall Variability For Seasonality And Climate-Induced Risks C...

Water resources in East Asia are considered particularly vulnerable to climate v...

Sempupu Island Nature Reserve: a Contribution to Small Island’s Plant Diversity ...

Plants give us everything - food, medicine, shelter, fiber, fuel, air, and water...

Human Involvement and Biodiversity Conservation in Indonesia

Sejarah kehidupan menunjukkan bahwa mikroba memprakarsai munculnya kehidupan, ya...

Impact of climate change on distribution of Elastostema (Urticaceae) in Indonesi...

Elatostema (Urticaceae) is a large herbaceous genus that is widely distributed t...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Genetic Diversity And Climate Change: Implication For Cockatoo Birds Conservation In Indonesia


Indonesia has seven species of cockatoo birds and all are listed in the CITES Appendix. The bird\'s population in the nature is being decline. Therefore, several studies have been and are being made as a contribution in the conservation programs to increase the bird population. Genetic diversity is the basis for population changes through options for genetic changes in the future, and this may increase the chance for the birds to adapt to climate change. This research informs the genetic diversity of Sulfur Creasted Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita) based on mitochondrial DNA sequence data. This information can be used as a basis for these birds conservation action in the climate change Era.Key words: genetic diversity, climate change, cockatoo bird, Cacatua galerita, mitochondrial DNA sequences. Proceeding The 4th International Workshop On “Wild Fire And Carbon Management In Peat-Forest In Indonesia”. 2013

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