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Sempupu Island Nature Reserve: a Contribution to Small Island’s Plant Diversity and Karst Ecosystem Conservation as a Potential Investment in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Activity


Plants give us everything - food, medicine, shelter, fiber, fuel, air, and water, not to mention beauty. They are also the foundation of healthy wild ecosystems, providing crucial habitat for wildlife. However, plant diversity resources are already being lost due to human-induced disturbance such as deforestation and natural-induced impacts such as climate change. Small islands and karst ecosystem, with plant diversity they hold, are considered to be vulnerable regions and could experience detrimental impacts from climate change. Sempu Island Nature Reserve (SINR) as an in-situ conservation area has valuable function in conservation and protection not only for plant diversity and its ecosystem uniqueness but blocking adjacent urban area from frequent tidal waves and storm surges from the Indian Ocean as climate change effect as well. This small island was selected as a case study because it represents small islands with excellent plant species richness (H’ = 5.07) and diverse ecosystem types comprising lowland and coastal forest, mangrove, lake and limestone karst ecosystem, leading the island to an important ecological region in Indonesia. Potential adaptation investment for climate change adaptation and mitigation options following the SINR legal protection including tree diversity as well as beneficial and threat factors faced by SINR were also discussed. Prosiding Konservasi Flora Indonesia dalam Mengatasi Dampak Pemanasan Global. Bali, 14 Juli 2009 Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali. hal. 481-490

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