Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Polyscias merupakan salah satu marga dalam suku Araliacea (mangko-mangkokan) ata...
Helminthostachys zeylanica (l.) Hook. merupakan tumbuhan paku herbaseus terestri...
The development of advanced electronic technology has an impact on the growing w...
Schefflera elliptica is a member of the tribe Araliaceae. This plant is believed...
Brucea javanica is a medicinal plant, which is popular called as “Buah Makassar”...
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Helminthostachys zeylanica (L.) Hook.: potensinya sebagai obat masa depan
Helminthostachys zeylanica is a terrestrial, herbaceous fern native to southeastern Asia and Australia, commonly known as jajalakan, kamraj and tukod langit. This plant has been used as traditional medicine for longtime. The roots of this plant are a popular medicine in China, where they are known as "Di wu gong". In Malaysia, the leaves are dried and smoked to treat bleeding nose. Rhizome is used to cure dysentry, catarrah, sciatica, malaria and also as tonic and mild aperients. Leaf juice relieves blisters on tongue and rhizome is used to treat impotency and jaundice. The plant is used to regain impotency described the medicina l purpose of H. zeylanica and also described it as endangered. Warta Kebun Raya vol. 11 no.1 Mei, 2011. hal. 34-37