Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Parasitic copepods are of the most important parasites in the marine environment...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi Pustakawan terkait Layanan Da...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi Pustakawan terkait Layanan Da...
This dataset is the Electronic Supplementary Material for life cycle assessment ...
Marine procaryotes are the most abundant microorganisms in the sea, yet they are...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Historical Review of Ichthyological Research in Indonesia
The history of ichthyological research in Indonesian waters falls into four major periods: pre-colonial (from earliest recorded history until the end of the 16th century), colonial (from the beginning of the 17th century to Indonesian independence in 1945), post-independence (from 1945 to 2000) and the 21st century. Scientific fish collections began with French expeditions conducted in the early 19th century, including La Physicienne (1817–1820), L’Uranie (1818–1819), La Coquille (1823), L’Astrolabe (1826–1829) and La Bonite (1836–1837). British and Dutch expeditions included those of H. M. S. Curacoa (1873) and H. M. S. Challenger (1872–1876), the Siboga (1899–1900), and the Snellius I (1929–1930) respectively. These expeditions did not involve Indonesian scientists; nor were collected materials deposited in Indonesian Institutions. More recent expeditions and with the participation of the Indonesian Government included the Baruna Expedition (1964), the Te Vega (1963, 1965) and the Alpha Helix cruises (1979), the Rumphius Expedition I–IV (1972–1980), the Corindon Expedition II–III (1982–1984), the Snellius II (1984–1985), the Karubar (1991) and the Anambas (2002). Coastal Marine Science, Vol. 35, No. 1. Hal. 153-156