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Kajian Ulang Status Kodok Rhacophorus bifasciatus van Kampen 1923 dan Rhacophorus poecilonotus Boulenger, 1920 Asal Sumatra
A recent taxonomy review on two tree frog species that endemic to Sumatra, namely Rhacophorus bifasciatus and Rhacophorus poecilonotus has moved R. bifasciatus to R. poecilonotus, left R. poecilonotus as the valid name for both species. Before the review publication, population status of R. bifasciatus was Near Sreatened (NT) with a declining population trend, while for R. poecilonotus was Data deficient (DD) with unknown population trend due to the lack of data. Further, R. bifasciatus was distributed in Gunung Kerinci, Bukit Barisan Selatan, Bengkulu, Jambi and Aceh, while R. poecilonotus was only found in West Sumatra with type locality in Gunung Kerinci, Jambi Province. Reassessment on the distribution resulted that R. poecilonotus was only found in grassy swamp of Gunung Tujuh foothill (approximately 2 Ha) and Rawa Bento (approximately 2 km2). It is recommended to upgrade population status of R. poecilonotus to Critically Endangered with additional criteria: CR B2 ab (iii) because of small AOO (Area of Occupancy), less than 10 km2, single locality, and continuous decline of habitat quality due to extensive agriculture and chemical fertilizer use. Fauna Indonesia, Vol. 12, No. 2. Hal. 1-5 ISSN 0216-9169