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Dataset Serupa
Variasi Dan Degradasi Suara Panggilan Kodok Jangkrik [Hylarana Nicobariensis (St...

Frog’s group of Hylarana nicobariensis (Stoliczka, 1870) is a complex species th...

Variasi Morfologi Luar dan Pewarnaan pada Mata Kodok

Based on the external morphology of the eye and the color pattern of the eye; fr...

Kajian Ulang Status Kodok Rhacophorus bifasciatus van Kampen 1923 dan Rhacophoru...

A recent taxonomy review on two tree frog species that endemic to Sumatra, namel...

Karakteristik Suara Kelompok Kodok Microhylidae Bertubuh Kecil Asal Bali (Anura:...

Advertisement calls of Microhyla palmipes and Oreophryne monticola have never be...

Lahan Basah Kaki Gunung Tujuh Habitat Enam Jenis Kodok Endemik Sumatra

The grassy wetland in Kerinci Seblat National Park at the Gunung Tujuh foothills...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Cara mudah membedakan morfologi kodok kelompok Hylarana chalconota asal Sumatra


Based on morphological and genetic differences, frog of Hylarana chalconota group has spited into several species. Group of H. chalconota that lived in Borneo was divided into two species, namely H. megalonesa and H. raniceps; group of H. chalconota that lived in Sulawesi was becoming H. mocquardii; and group of H. chalconota that lived in Sumatra was divided into three species, namely H. chalconota, H. parvaccola and H. rufipes, whereas the group that lived in Java was remained as the species of H. chalconota. To distinguish the fraction species of H. chalconota group from Sumatra are easier while they are still alive rather than they have been preserved as specimens. Color on dorsum, tympanum, upper lip and toe webbing are the easiest characters that can be used to distinguish the three species of H. chalconota group from Sumatra. Fauna Indonesia 11 (2): 1-3

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