Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Telah dilakukan pembuatan paduan Alsi dengan penambahan partikel penguat SiC seb...
Material logam memiliki banyak keterbatasan dalam penggunaannya di lingkungan be...
Telah dilakukan percobaan pembuatan komposit dengan matrik Alumunium murni. Dima...
Poliurethan merupakan suatu jenis polimer hasil reaksi antara poliol dengan isos...
Komposit Tahun 2018
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Komposit Matriks Logam Untuk Otomotif
MMCs is light substance and represents engineer materials consisting of two or more conventional materials and having pre-eminent nature when compared to individual material. MMCs has various matrices and reinforcements. The advantage of MMCs includes a good combination of stiffness ratio, low and hihg temperatur strenght, specific modulus, yield strenght, wear resistance, abrasion resistance, ductile recelience and high thermal conductivity. Based on these properties, the material has been used in cars and motorcycle (automotive). The manufacture of MMCs is done throught various methodes. Prosiding Seminar Matrial Metalurgi 2005 ISBN: 9-793-68847-5