Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Studi tentang kergaman dan kepadatn makroalga telah dilaksankan di Perairan -per...
Ekhinodermata merupakan salah satu filum yang seluruh anggotanya hidup di laut. ...
Pengamatan zat hara fosfat, nitrat dan oksigen terlarut telah dilakukan di perai...
Studi tentang keragaman dan kepadatan makro alga telah dilaksanakan di perairan ...
Rumput laut merupakan salah satu biota laut yang memiliki nilai ekonomis yang ti...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Kualitas Air dan Komunitas Makroalga di Perairan Pantai Jikumerasa, Pulau Buru
The study of water quality and macroalgae community in Jikumerasa coast, Buru Island, Maluku, was conducted in June 2014. This study aims to determine the water quality in terms of physico-chemical parameters and community structure of macroalgae. Physico-chemical parameters observed are the essential parameters for the livelihood of macroaelgae ecosystem such as temperature, salinity, water clarity, current, pH, dissolved oxygen, phosphate and nitrate. The result showed that water quality in these waters still within the water quality standard threshold for marine biota (KMLH, 2004) and still in the optimum range for growth of macroalgae. 21 species of macroalgae were found with varying density between 0.25 ind./m2-1.13 types ind./m2. The highest biomass were found in Gracilaria salocornia, which reached 1132.00 g/m2. Macroalgae diversity index (H ') were average, ranged from 2.716 to 2.978 and dominance index (D) were categorized as low, ranged from 0.0539 to 0.0697, while the index of uniformity (e) were ranged from 0.9754 to 0.9796, categorized as evenly distributed or stable. Jurnal Ilmiah Platax, Vol. 4, No. 2. Hal. 109-119 ISSN 2302-3589