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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
The clusiaceae of limestone forests in Bogor, West Java: Plant Profiles and Valu...

Limestone karsts are known as reservoir of biodiversity with high level of endem...

Altitudinal patterns of abundances and parasitism in frugivorous drosophilids in...

Abundances and parasitism rates of frugivorous drosophilid flies were studied in...

Some Species Of Plants That Bloom In The Forest Center In Kawah Ratu Gunung Hali...

Gunung Halimun - Salak National Park represents lowland rain forest ecosystem ty...

The Diversity of Mangifera indica Cultivars in Subang West Java Based on Morphol...

The wide distribution and high species diversity produce large variation of its ...

Nutrition Properties And The Prospect Of Six Amorphophallus Species Of Tubers In...

Amorphophallus is perennial tuber crop and a member of the Araceae family. There...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Morphometric and Molt of The Crescent-Chested Babbler (Stachyris Melanothorax) in Cisarua Forest, West Java


Crescent-chested Babbler is endemic to the island of Java and Bali, Indonesia and protected by the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 7/ 1999. Its population is suspected to be declining due to ongoing habitat destruction and fragmentation. Information on its eco-biology is very poorly known. There is a need to obtain the information in order to conserve this species and its habitat. Morphometric and molt stages were recorded from 23 individuals captured by mist-nets between February and April 2016. There were variations in morphometric measurement in weight, head bill length, wing length and tail length in Cisarua Forest habitat, but no significant difference was found (F2.19 = 0.822, P> 0.05) in body weight among the three different habitats. This habitat has sufficient resource for Crescent-crested Babbler for molt activity during the study. Treubia, Vol. 43. Hal. 71-78.

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