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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Secondary Production of The Net-Spinning Cadisfly, Cheumatopsyche spp. (Trichopt...

Cikaniki River is located in Bogor regency, West Java, Indonesia. The river has ...

Inshore Migration of The Tropical Eels Anguilla Spp. Recruiting to The Poigar Ri...

To understand ecological and behavioral aspects of inshore migration of tropical...

Study on The Effect of Pollutants on The Production of Aaptamines and The Cytoto...

This experiment was conducted to study the effects of anthropogenic stressor on ...

Impact of Climate Change on River Flows in the Black Volta River (International ...

This paper assess the impact of climate change inthe Black Volta River by using ...

Palaeoflood Simulation of The Kamo River Basin Using a Grid‐Cell Distributed Rai...

Land-use change and human activities have dramatic implications for water resour...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Net Production Modeling Of The Phytobenthos: Integration on a Section River Garonne According to the Season.


The analysis of daily curves of dissolved oxygen in the Garonne, downstream of Toulouse, shows that the river is generally heterotrophic. It appears in contradiction with the fact that the river bed is covered with a thick periphytic biofilm. From the data obtained in-vitro and in-situ, we developed a model to calculate the net production, integrated over the section. This model makes it possible to simulate various environmental situations: variations of the wet cross section, seasons and turbidity. The simulations show that some zones of the section are highly productive. For the majority of the cases, the daily balance photosynthesis/respiration remains less than one. This negative daily balance is equilibrated by the re-aeration rate associated with the turbulent flow of the Garonne. This work shows, however, that the oxygen level in the river is strongly dependent on the total rate of respiration, so that a weak increase (pollution for example) could quickly induce a reduction in the dissolved oxygen. Limnotek, Perairan Darat Tropis Di Indonesia, Vol. 17, No.2. P: 210-217 IBSN : 0854-8390

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