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Fish Species Composition in Seagrass Beds of Tanjung Merah (North Sulawesi), Ind...

Seagrass beds are found along the shore of Tanjung Merah (North Sulawesi, Indone...

Common Reef Fishes of North Sulawesi, Indonesia

The province of North Sulawesi, Indonesia, located at 0ᴼ30\"-4ᴼ3\", North Latitu...

New Taxa And New Records Of Birds From The North Coastal Ranges Of New Guinea

We report the ornithological results of field trips in 2005 and 2007 to the Foja...

The urgent need of development of Fisheries Management Plan of Flying fish in Ma...

Flyingfish is an important commercial species in several areas of eastern Indone...

Two New Species of Leptomedusae From The Bitung Strait, Indonesia (CNIDARIA)

Samples of Hydroidomedusa were collected from the Bitung Strait, Indonesia Sea (...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Seagrass Fishes of Coastal Area of the Lembeh strait, Bitung, North Sulawesi and surroundings


The study of fishes found at seagrass beds in North Sulawesi has been carried out at only few sites. Particularly in the coastal area of Lembeh Strait and surroundings, research on this issue is still very minimal. This study was conducted to provide information about fishes at the seagrass beds at several sites in the Lembeh Strait, to assist in the utilization, management, and conservation of the area. Sampling was conducted at seven locations in the Lembeh Strait and surrounding areas, Bitung, North Sulawesi in May 2014 using a beach seine and trap net. The results of data analysis using Primer 5 showed the diversity of fish in this area was relatively moderate, the Shannon-Wiener index ranging between 1.91-2.92. Apogon margaritophorus was the most commonly found species, while Tasikoki is the location with the highest number of individuals found. There was a close relation between the individual abundance of fish found at a site with the condition of seagrass beds in that location. The results of this study are expected can be used by stakeholders in managing Lembeh Strait and the surrounding area for the utilization and conservation of marine resources. Proceeding of International Seminar on Biodiversity and Coastal Ecosystem at North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Research Center for Oceanography. Jakarta, 22 October 2015. P: 49-71.

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