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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Karakterisasi Fraktografi dan Sifat Elektromagnetik Hasil Sintesis Komposit Nano...

Komposit nano telah diakui sebagai revolusi industri material masa depan. Saat i...

Sintesis Komposit Epoksi Berpenguat Fe-Ni Partikel Nano Dengan Karakterisasi Sif...

Besi dan baja adalah material kuat yang banyak digunakan saat ini, tetapi masih ...

Pengaruh Bahan Perekat dan Waktu Reduksi pada Pembuatan Briket Sponge dari Bijih...

Besi sponge merupakan produk antara dalam pembuatan besi-baja melalui proses red...

Pengaruh Bahan Perekat dan Waktu Reduksi pada Pembuatan Briket Sponge dari Bijih...

Besi sponge merupakan produk antara dalam pembuatan besi-baja melalui proses red...

Karakterisasi Selulosa dari Pelepah Sawit dan Ampas Akar Wangi serta Aplikasinya...

Sifat mekanis selulosa yang cukup tinggi memungkinkan selulosa digunakan sebagai...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Pembuatan dan Karakterisasi Komposit Zephyr Bambu dengan Perekat Kempa Dingin


Preparation and characterization of parallel fiber direction of bamboo zephyr composites using cold press have been conducted. Bamboo zephyr composites were made from Betung (Dendrocalamus asper), Andong (Gigantochloa pseudoarundinacea), and Tali (Gigantochloa apus) bamboos glued with isocyanate cold press type. Zephyr bamboo was firstly made by processed fresh bamboo into flat shape (zephyr) using a bamboo crusher. Zephyr was dried until moisture content reached below 5% then mixed with isocyanate resin using a glue spreader at resin content of 15% of the board dry weight. Two types of resin (i.e. type K and type E) were used. Zephyr was arranged in parallel fiber direction to form a matt and was pressed at room temperature, at pressure of 25 kg/cm2 and kept in the press for 6 hours. The board size was 300 cm x 30 cm x 10 cm, with a target density of 0.7 g/cm3. The tested physical and mechanical properties were density, moisture content, thickness swelling, water absorption, bending strength (modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity) and compression strength. The result showed that zephyr bamboo composite made from andong exhibited higher physical and mechanical properties than that of betung or tali. Board made with molding was better compared to that without molding. The use of type K resin was better compare to that of Type E resin. Journal Lignocellulose Technology, Vol. 1. Hal. 32-37

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