Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Penelitian tentang pengaruh naungan dan media tanam terhadap pertumbuhan bibit r...
Begonia tuberosa merupakan salah satu kelompok Begonia yang berumbi dengan bunga...
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui fisiologi dan pertumbuhan bibit mang...
The research on the effect of planting space treatment on the growth and yield o...
Penelitian tentang ‘pengaruh berat umbi bibit terhadap pertumbuhan uwi cicing (D...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Pengaruh Media Tanam dan Pemupukan NPK Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Damar Mata Kucing (Shorea javanica)
Cibodas botanical garden – LIPI had compost product based on organic waste material (litter, grass, twigs, and fruit) which were collected from garden. Compost was produced by two methods : using katalek bioactivator and natural compost without bioactivator. Utilization of compost as growing media at nursery unit botanical garden was not optimal. The objective of this research was to determine the ability of compost from botanical garden as a growing media for seedling collection at Cibodas botanical garden. This study was conducted using a Randomized Block Design (RAB) with six treatments and four replications using Shorea javanica as plants indicator. Three types of growing media (top soil, natural compost and katalek compost) were applied for the treatment with the addition or non addition of NPK fertilizer. However, control treatment was made from top soil without addition of NPK. The data showed that both natural compost and katalek compost were demonstrated better result than top soil growing media. Katalek compost without addition of NPK fertilizer gave significantly different result at enhancement of plant height, leaf number, and dry weight if compared with control. Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Agroklimatologi, Vol. 10, No. 1. Hal. 9-18