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Karakterisasi Pisang Hibrid Tetraploid ‘GRNK’ Hasil Persilangan Pisang Triploid ...

The use of tetraploid banana in triploid banana breeding has been conducted thro...

Penyimpanan Serbuksari Pisang Liar Musa Acuminata Colla Untuk Mendukung Program ...

Research on pollen storage of four varieties and one subspecies of wild banana, ...

Eksplorasi dan pemanfaatan Musa acuminata liar sebagai tetua jantan dalam pemuli...

Indonesia merupakan pusat keanekaragaman genetik pisang yang memiliki lebih dari...

Identification of Gene Candidate of Nucleotide Binding Site (NBS) from Banana Mu...

Indonesia possess one of the largest genetic diversities of banana in the world,...

Kajian Etnobotani Pisang-pisang Liar (Musa spp.) di Malinau, Kalimantan Timur

Ethnobotany studies of wild banana species in Malinau, East Kalimantan has been ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Persilangan Pisang Liar Diploid Musa Acuminata Colla Var Malaccensis (Ridl.) Nasution Sebagai Sumber Polen Dengan Pisang Madu Tetraploid


Indonesia and South East Asia is the center of origin and genetic variability of bananas, specifically species Musa acuminata Colla. At least 15 varieties of wild Musa acuminata are found in Indonesia. Some of them have resistances for several diseases of bananas. One approach in banana breeding program is hybridizing between tetraploid parent and diploid parent of banana. This research was aimed to produce new triploid banana hybrid by crosses between tetraploid female parent ‘Pisang Madu’ and wild diploid male parent Musa acuminata Colla var malaccensis (Ridl.) Nasution. From 302 crosses, 53.9% of crosses produced seeds. However, only 48.46% of seeds contained embryos, and only 1.27% of embryos grew and developed. Bunch weight and leaf length of hybrid plants were not significantly different with female parent, tetraploid Pisang Madu. Plant height of the hybrids was not significantly different with male parent, wild diploid Musa acuminata var malaccensis. Pseudostem diameter and leaf width of the hybrid plants were between female tetraploid parent and male wild diploid parent. RAPD profiles (DNA bands) of the hybrids were originated from the female parent, male parent and both parents were 38.46, 34.6, and 26.92%, respectively. The hybrids were confirmed to be triploids (3x=33). Jurnal Biologi Indonesia Vol. 8 No. 1. 2012. P: 181-196. ISSN: 0854-4425

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