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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Isolasi, Populasi, dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Rhizobium pada Daerah Perakaran dan...

A study was conducted in order to know the isolation, population and characteriz...

Isolasi, Populasi dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat pada Daerah Perakaran...

Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui isolasi, populasi dan karakterisasi bakter...

Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Pendegradasi Herbisida Diuron dan Bromacil dar...

Diuron and bromacil are a broad-spectrum herbicide that widely used in some plan...

Isolasi, Karakterisasi, Analisa Kimia Dan Deteksi BAPPT Bakteri Tanah Perakaran ...

Trhizosphere of rice plant is rich in organic compounds in the form of energy. B...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Pertumbuhan Bakteri Hasil Isolasi dari Tanah Perkebunan yang Tumbuh pada Media Mengandung Pestisida Propoksur dan Karbaril


Isolation actions have been carried out with three soil samples derived from soil estate of pine apple, sugar cane, and banana in Lampung area, Southern Sumatra. The isolates were grown in the selected media containing carbaryl insecticide, and herbicide of diuron and bromocyl. The highest and vigorous growth isolates have gathered from three different soil samples, and subsequently named GGPC, GM, and NTF isolates. Furthermore, those isolates were studied through the growth rate in the media containing propoxur and carbaryl in the nutrient rich liquid (NB) and compared to limited mineral (MM). All of the isolates grew faster against pesticides in the liquid medium of NB compared to MM. High correlated value among parameters nurtured as due to bacterial population and those processes were not affected by media composition. The GM isolate showed similar pattern during propoxur decrease along with incubation even though the rate of pesticide elimination from the media was higher in the rich nutrient liquid media (NB) compared to MM. Jurnal Biologi Indonesia, Vol. 8, No. 2. Hal. 317-328

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