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Dataset Serupa
Satellite Radar Altimetry for Monitoring Small Rivers and Lakes in Indonesia

Remote sensing and satellite geodetic observations are capable of hydrologic mon...

Policy Needs to Improve Marine Capture Fisheries Management and to Define a Role...

Management of Indonesia’s marine capture fisheries faces a huge dilemma: evidenc...

Urban Lakes in Megacity Jakarta: Risk and Management Plan for Future Sustainabil...

The impact of urban development in the distinct surrounding inhabited areas on u...

Evaluasi Keseimbangan Fos-for di Danau Toba

Fosfor [P] merupakan salah satu parameter penentu kesuburan suatu perairan. Di w...

Analysis of Hydrological Dynamic of Lake Limboto That Related to Fisheries Produ...

Indonesia population is the fourth largest in the world and its growth will be f...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Potential Area for Floating Net Fishery in Lake Toba


Lake Toba in North Sumatera, Indonesia, is now designated to be a world-class tourism destination. Aside from its infrastructure development, this largest lake in the Southeast Asia needs to be restored, especially its water quality. While an oligotrophic status is required for tourism purposes, several studies showed that Toba is mesotrophic at its best and hyper-eutrophic at its worst. Numerous studies and reports blame floating net fishery (FNF) for water quality decline in Lake Toba and propose limitation for its production. While the central government allowed FNF to be positioned in certain areas according to its depth and distance from the lakeshore, increasing number of FNF means adding more nutrients to the lake and thus may inhibit the lake’s restoration process. Hence, it is important to identify which areas are potential for FNF location to assist the authorities to regulate FNF. This study used SPOT-6, SPOT-7, and Pleiades satellite imagery to locate the position of existing FNF and to analyse the result to identify a potential location for FNF. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 118. Hal. 1-6

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