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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dynamics Of Biogeochemistry Of Sulfur In Lake Maninjau

Fenomena alam yang disebut sebagai tubo belerang berulang kali terjadi di Danau ...

Water Environmental Condition in Relation to Existence of Endemic Fish Butini (G...

Lake Towuti is the largest lake in the Malili Complex has a wide 560 km2 and a d...

Comparison of Two Analytical Methods for Compositional Analysis of Lignocellulos...

Empty fruit bunch (EFB) of oil palm is one of potential lignocellulosic biomass ...

Potential Area for Floating Net Fishery in Lake Toba

Lake Toba in North Sumatera, Indonesia, is now designated to be a world-class to...

Eggs production trait of Indonesian domestic ducks inferred from analysis of a S...

Various approaches to increase eggs production of Indonesian domestic ducks are ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Analysis of Hydrological Dynamic of Lake Limboto That Related to Fisheries Production


Indonesia population is the fourth largest in the world and its growth will be followed by pressure on the environmental damage. Some of the problems of inland water in Indonesia are common, such as turbidity, water pollution, eutrophication and the loss of endemic species could be observed. Monitoring and management of land around the waters of a lake or reservoir are necessity to be studied. The objective of this study is to analyze the specific problems in the catchment area and sediment accumulation in the future those influenced the decreasing of fisheries productivity. In addition some local fishes were also decreased. Based on analysis on fisheries, the potential of fish production based on productivity waters of Lake Limboto ranged from 48.583 to 364.301 tons/year or lower than the level potentially based on catches of 746 tons. The high level of exploitation of fish production note to remember if this continues it will affect fish populations and the availability of existing resources. The area of the lake that continues to constrict also need to be considered to maintain the availability of habitat for fish that live in Lake Limboto. Next, spatial arrangement with respect to the impact of climate change needs to be analyzed based on the hydrodynamic characteristic of the area. The research activity is expected to produce an outcome study of lake management for fisheries productivity and can respond to the challenges of environmental problems in the future. Proceeding of International Conference of Indonesian Inland Waters III, Palembang-Indonesia November 2012. Hal. 37 ISBN 978-602-8380-07-2

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