Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
The studies of seaweed distribution and biodiversity species was conducted in Ka...
Caulerpa is sea weed with coenocytic thallus. Caulerpa Commonly used as vegetabl...
Pemanfaatan cangkang lola (Trochus niloticus) sebagai bahan baku pembuatan kanci...
This research is aimed to describe studi on embryogenesis and larva development ...
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui komposisi dan kepadatan jenis, distrib...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Preliminary Study of Restocking Trochus niloticus Juvenil In Ohoimas Island Waters, Southeast Mollucas
Natural stock of top shell (Trochus niloticus) which has been depleted in area of Southeast Moluccas requires enhancement by restocking of cultured young individual. One efective method of replenishing natural stock population of trochus was an artificial breeding and the release of juveniles into the wild. Artificial breeding has been successful at Technical Implementation Unit For Marine Biota Conservation, Southeast Mollucas. Ocean nursery experiment of trochus juvenile was conducted in 1 x 1 x 0,5 m3 (LxWxH) cages built Ohoimas Island reef, Dullah Laut (S 05025’51.9’’; E 132042’48.2”). Juvenile measured between 12 to 17 mm were released in these cages for four months. The stocking density was 100, 75, and 50 per cages. Results on trochus growth rates at different culture densities in cages showed that the appropriate densities were: 100 ind (20,65 ± 2,69 mm), 75 ind (19,54 ± 1,97 mm, and 50 individu (26,69 ± 3,01 mm). Juvenil Trochus with 50 individu density per cage has higest growth rate (0,08 mm/day). Growth rate and mortality was influenced by density, but daily growth rate was not influenced. Neritic Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah (ilmu kelautan dan perikanan), Tahun 2013, Volume 3 nomor 2, 61 Hal