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Dataset Serupa
The Studies of Seaweed Biodiversity and Diversity in Baguala Buy, Mollucas Provi...

The studies of seaweed biodiversity and diversity species was conducted in Bagua...

Distribution, Diversity and Abundance of Mangrove within The Islands of Batam, K...

The existence of mangrove forest on small islands is very important in relation ...

Preliminary Study of Restocking Trochus niloticus Juvenil In Ohoimas Island Wate...

Natural stock of top shell (Trochus niloticus) which has been depleted in area o...

Biodiversity, Distribution and Abundance Of The Tropical Angguillid Eels In The ...

In order to understand biodiversity, distribution, and abundance among the tropi...

The Fish Diversity of Mangrove Waters in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indo...

Lombok Island’s waters are the main gateway of the mass water flow from the Paci...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

The Studies of Seaweed Distribution and Diversity in Kayeli Buy and Jikumerasa Water, Buru Island, Mollucas Province


The studies of seaweed distribution and biodiversity species was conducted in Kayeli buy and jikumerasa water, Buru Island, Mollucas Province. The transek line method of seaweed (standing crop),was used to study of distribution and biodiversity species of seaweed. The distribution and biodiversity species of seaweed in research location was found that station 4 in Kayeli buy hight species seaweed there are 49 species seaweed consisting of 15 species of Rhodophyceae, 11 species of Phaeophyceae and 13 species of Chlorophyceae. The Gacilaria, Caulerpa and Sargassum species are dominant species is the region. In Jikumerasa water has haigt species seaweed there are 46 species seaweed consisting of 12 species of Rhodophyceae, 7 species of Phaeophyceae and 10 species of Chlorophyceae. The Acanthophora, Caulerpa and Turbinaria are dominant species is the region. The ecological condition was carried out discussed by this paper Proseding Seminar Nasional - Basic Science V, tahun 2013, 87 - 95

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