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Production and Quality Improvement of Mud Crab (Scylla serrata) Using Silvofishery as a Method to Increase Food Security and to Conserve The Mangrove Resource in Berau, East Kalimantan


Mud crab (Scylla serrata) is one of the main bioresources which has important economic value in mangrove ecosystems. As a source of food, the crab is very popular and becomes one favorite food for most Indonesians. Currently its production mostly depends on capture activities. The declining of mud crab population has been reported in several places in the country. Some of the main problems causing the declining of mud crab production is degradation of its environment, uncontrolled mangrove area conversion into shrimp pond culture, and over fishing conditions. This research was conducted to develop the best silvofishery technique to boost mud crab production. The study site was Bingkar, Teluk Semanting Village in Berau District. It was conducted within two periods (May-June and September-October 2013). Mud crab was cultured using silvofishery pond combined with the cell system technique. There were 120 individuals categorized in to two groups of mud crab size (e.g. group A. 137±29 g and group B 365±98 g) stocked in 25x30x25 cm cell system. The crabs were fed with small fish (3-5% total body weight every day) for 15 days. The results showed that mud crab in Group B (34±24 g) had higer increment body weight than other group. The better quality of mud crab determined by harder carapace was also shown by Group B (86.67%). Based on profit and cost ratio (P/C Ratio), group B (P/C=1.19) was more provitable than Group A (0.43). The significance of this research is provision of an alternative livelihood for the people living in coastal area. More importantly, it can enhance a better mangrove forest mangement. International Symposium the 5th ASIAHORCs, Bali 27-28 November 2013. Hal. 1-12

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