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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Screening Antimicrobial Activity of Actinomycetes Isolated from Raja Ampat, West...

In the framework of exploitation of antimicrobial activity of Actinomycetes in P...

Floristic Diversity And Structural Characteristics Of Mangrove Forest Of Raja Am...

We studied the floristic composition and structure of mangrove forests and mangr...

Non-Bambusoid Grasses (Gramineae) from Raja Ampat Archipelago, Papua Barat Provi...

Thirty two species of non-bambusoid grasses from 28 genera were recorded for the...

Cellulolytic Yeast Isolated From Raja Ampat Indonesia

The objective of this study was to select and characterize three yeast selected ...

The Freshwater Snail Genus Sulcospira Troschel, 1857 from Java, with Description...

Members of the viviparous freshwater snail genus Sulcospira Troschel, 1858 occur...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Redescription of Land Snail Leptopoma (Leucoptychia) Lamellatum Sykes, 1903 from Raja Ampat, West Papua (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Cyclophoridae)


The land snail Leptopoma (Leucoptychia) lamellatum Sykes, 1903 was reported from the Raja Ampat Islands, West Papua. The type locality of this snail is Waigeo Island, but it also occurs on Salawati island. Based on specimens collected in 2007 and 2008 from Waigeo, Salawati and Batanta, we present a re-description of the shell including new information on body coloration, radular morphology and habitat. The known range of the species is extended to include Batanta Island. Treubia, Vol. 37. Hal. 83-92 ISSN 0082-6340

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