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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Proposal to Conserve the Name Curcuma euchroma against Erndlia subpersonata (Zin...

Our previous studies on the complex nomenclatural history of Curcuma zedoaria (C...

Morphological Variation of Cibotium Barometz from West Sumatra

Cibotium barometz is one tree fern of the family Cyatheaeceae that is usually re...

Ecological Assessment Of Limau Manis’s Torrent Frogs, West Sumatra

An ecological assessment of sumatran torrent frogs was conducted from mid Decemb...

Endemic Plants of Mt. Rinjani: An Outlook to The Conservation Strategy

Gunung Rinjani diyakini merupakan sumber utama keanekaragaman tumbuhan di Pulau ...

Endemic plants of Mt. Rinjani: An outlook to the Conservation Strategy

Mount Rinjani, lies in the island of Lombok, is believed as the major source of ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Rediscovery of Curcuma sumatrana (Zingiberaceae) Endemic to West Sumatra


A recent exploration of Sumatra resulted in the re-collection of Curcuma sumatrana, an endemic Zingiberaceae species of unclear identity that was first described by Miquel nearly 150 years ago. The history of this species is discussed, a detailed description with a colour plate is provided and a lectotype is designated. Curcuma sumatrana currently qualifies under IUCN assessment as vulnerable, but due to the decline of its habitat, it is likely to fulfil the criteria as endangered in near future. As there is no comprehensive revision of the family Zingiberaceae for Sumatra in progress, it is meanwhile important to make accessible the characteristics of this endemic species to facilitate its proper identification and conservation management. Blumea, Vol. 56. Hal. 6-9

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