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Dataset Serupa
Isolation and Screening of Rhizobacteria from Soil in Ngawi, East Java, as Candi...

A series of activities have been done to find indigenous microbes from Ngawi, Ea...

Antifungal compounds derived from sponge Aaptos Sp. Collected from Pari Island

Base to the purpose of the finding a new source of antifungal compounds origin f...

Actinophytocola timorensis sp. nov. and Actinophytocola corallina sp. nov., isol...

Two actinomycete strains, ID05-A0653T and ID06-A0464T, were isolated from soils ...

A cost-efficient method to assess carbon stocks in tropical peat soil

Estimation of soil carbon stocks in tropical wetlands requires costly laboratory...

Decomposition of Ilmenite from Bangka Island-Indonesia with KOH Solutions

At present work, an experiment to investigate the effect of Ilmenite particle si...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Respiration And Organic Carbon Mineralization Character In Soil Samples Collected From Bangka Island


The study was designed to explore soil biomass content and soil enzymatic activities that involved in carbon organic soil mineralization. Samples of soil were collected from two locations in Bangka Island. Bulk samples of top soil (TP) and excavated (TG) one were collected from garden soil in Pangkalpinang. Some other soils were gathered from forest floor (TU), beneath pelawan (Tristaniopsis merguensis Griff.) trees which is endemic plant to North Bangka forest. Soil biological character was evaluated by measuring soil microbial population, respiration rate, and cellulase and amylase activities. Experiments was carried out in Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, amongst dried soil treatment (Control), soil moistened with 5 mL H2O in 100g soil (Gluc.0), and soil moistened with 5 mL one percent glucose solution (Gluc.1). Bacterial population obtained was higher than fungal population in all soil samples. Soil respiration activity in TU after treatment was 4,51±0,49; 5,26±0,79; and 8,28±1,41 ppm CO2/100g-soil/5-minutes, respectively. Meanwhile, respiration in TP were 3.65 ± 2.12; 3.57 ± 1.18; and 7.94 ± 1.05 ppm CO2/100g-soil/5-minutes; and in the TG are 2.61 ± 0.70; 3.34 ± 0.94; and 5.46 ± 2.30 ppm CO2/100g-soil/5-minutes. Cellulase activities of all samples were not significantly different. Forest soil cellulase activity was significantly different compared to garden soil. Glucose induction was positively increasing amylase activity compared to cellulase. Soil enzyme, soil respiration activities and microbial population of forest soil could be used as reference to recover of degraded land in Bangka Island. Berita Biologi, Vol. 15 No. 1. 2016 27-37

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