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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
The Antibacterial Compound Collismicin a derived from marine Streptomyces sp. Q-...

In our course of screening for secondary metabolite derived from marine bacteria...

Psammaplysin Derivatives from The Balinese Marine Sponge Aplysinella strongylata

Twenty-one new psammaplysin derivatives (4−24) exhibiting a variety of side chai...

An Antibacterial Compound Isolated from Sponge-Associated Bacteria Rhodobacterac...

Information about antimicrobial compound derived from Rhodobacteraceae bacterium...

Respiration And Organic Carbon Mineralization Character In Soil Samples Collecte...

The study was designed to explore soil biomass content and soil enzymatic activi...

Screening and study of antifungal activity of leaf litter actinomycetes isolated...

Objective: To assess the antifuchnagraal catcetriivziety a obfu ancdtainnocme yo...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Antifungal compounds derived from sponge Aaptos Sp. Collected from Pari Island


Base to the purpose of the finding a new source of antifungal compounds origin from Indonesian marine resources, the screening of sponges extract collected from Pari Island was done. Several of methanol extracts showed active against the pathogenic fungus Tricophyton rubrum and Candida albicans. One of the potent extract was S6-P3 that identified as Aaptos sp. This extract showed the potent activity with the diameter inhibition approximately 32,05 mm against Tricophyton rubrum and 12,05 mm against Candida albican. Separation technique of the active compounds was done using open column chromatography and the isolated compounds characterized using Gas Chromatography-Spectroscopy Mass (GC-MS). The GC-MS data analysis proved that the active fraction contained the antibiotics aaptamine and demethylaaptamine Ilmu Kelautan Februari 2010.Vol.2. Edisi Khusus :353-361

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