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Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Spatial Distribution Of Polychaeta (Annelida) Of Natuna Island, South China Sea

Kepulaun Natuna terletak dia wilayah laut Indonesia bagian barat, Kepulauan ini ...

Biodiversity of Caridina sp. as Ornamental Shrimp an Economic Alternative for Pe...

Lake Towuti is a tectonic-oligotrophic located in Malili Complex, South Sulawesi...

Alternative Practice From Coastal Pond To Recirculation Aquaculture System

Coastal pond aquaculture used solar energy to produce oxygen via phytoplankton w...

Endemic Plants Mt. Rinjani: An Outlook To The Conservation Strategy

W Wardani, A Hidayat, EF Hidayat, A Kartonegoro, LD Sulistyaningsih, ES Kuncari ...

Endemic Plants of Mt. Rinjani: An Outlook to The Conservation Strategy

Gunung Rinjani diyakini merupakan sumber utama keanekaragaman tumbuhan di Pulau ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Science Diplomacy for Alternative Solution to Territorial Dispute: Outlook for South China Sea Crisis


One of the prominent roles of science diplomacy is how it can be used to develop breakthrough on territorial or border disputes, such as happened in the Antarctic Treaty. The emergence study of science diplomacy nowadays has been urged to examine to what extent science diplomacy can become solution to the territorial dispute especially to the South China Sea crisis. Through an examination with social constructivism paradigm of two case studies of Antarctic treaty and Bialoweiza Forest as a model of science diplomacy and overlook through the nature of South China Sea case, this study found that science diplomacy can be an effective way to foster a solution to territorial dispute in South China Sea as long as there is a declaration of agenda by scientist, epistemic communities to maintain the issues, and a follow up by first track diplomacy that used science as a tool to maintain the negotiation.Keywords: Narrow-Wide Security Perspective, Science Diplomacy, Social Constructivism, South China Sea, Territorial Disputes Proceedings Paper of International Conference on Biosciences (ICOBIO) 2015, IPB ICC, 5-7 August 2015, pp. 67-73

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