Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Twelve species of hermit crabs are recorded for the first time from shallow wate...
Holothuroidea is one of the Echinodermata classes which widely distributed in th...
Holothuroidea is one of the Echinodermata classes which widely distributed in th...
Fission stimulation involves the fission plane as the division area. In natural ...
Kepulaun Natuna terletak dia wilayah laut Indonesia bagian barat, Kepulauan ini ...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Sea Cucumbers (Echinodermata; Holothuroidea) of Tikus Island, Seribu Archipelago
Sea cucumbers are an abundant and diverse group of echinoderms with over 1600 species occuring from the intertidal to deepest oceanic trenches. "Pelatihan Sumberdaya Manusia Taksonomi Kelautan Indonesia" (PSM TKI training) was the training for Indonesian young reseacher and academician who are interested to study more about marine taxonomy. This training was held in Tikus Island, Seribu Archipelago on 25-30 May 2009. Tikus Island has qominantly fine and rough sandy substrat. The aim of this study is to elucidate the taxonomy of the species found out from Tikus Island and preliminary study about its philogeny. During the training six species of holothurians were randomly collected by hand (during low tide); of these five are holothuriidae and the left stichopodidae family. The taxonomy and the phylogeny in this paper based on a cladistic analysis of 10 morphological characters is reported. As outgroup was one species from Synaptidae family: Synaptula cf denticulata which collected from Seram Island, Maluku. Heuristic search resulted the consistency index (CI) value more than 0.5. Description ingroup from the consensus tress show that Stichopus quadrifasciatus, Holothuria atra and Holothuria edulis are monophyletic supported by 60% characters; Holothuria hit/a, Holothuria impatiens and Holothuria verrucosa also monophyletic supported by 83% characters. Apomorphy list shows two reversal characters. The conclusions are holothuriidae is not monophyletic and Stichopodidae is not sister group ofholothuriidae. Oseanologi dan Limnologi di Indonesia, Vol. 37, No. 2. Hal. 211-234 ISSN 0125-9830