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Aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak daun Schefflera elliptica (Blume) Harms

The antibacterial activity of n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol extracts of ...

Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Daun Schefflera Elliptica (Blume) Harms

The antibacterial activity of n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol extracts of ...

Potensi Jamur Endofit dari Smilax Spp. sebagai Sumber Senyawa Antioksidan dan An...

Smilax merupakan genus tumbuhan yang banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan obat, ter...

Senyawa Antibakteri yang Diproduksi oleh Lactobacillus plantarum dan Aplikasinya...

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) generally accepted as safe microorganism and play an ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Senyawa Antibakteri Daun Belawan Putih (Tristaniopsis Whiteana)


Isolation of antibacterial compounds from chloroform extract of belawan putih (Tristaniopsis whiteana) leaves hasbeen done. The bioautography analysis of the extract against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis,subsequently followed by isolation and purification of active compounds led us to obtain two pure compounds, compound 1 and 2. Futhermore, the compound 2 was identified as betulinic acid based on their spectroscopic dataincluding ultraviolet spectrum, infrared spectrum, 1D- and 2D-NMR spectra. In addition, this is the first report ofthe occurrence of this compound in the plant of Tristaniopsis whiteana and the genus of Tristaniopsis. Jurnal Biologi Indonesia, Vol. 10 No. 1. 2014. P: 93-100.

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