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Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

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Dataset Serupa
Spread Of Invasive Plants Along Trails In Two National Parks In West Java, Indon...

The increase of alien invasive plants in biological reserves is a major threat t...

Comparison Of Zoogeography Among Indonesian Rats, Fruit Bats And Insectivorous B...

The species number of rat, fruit bat, and insectivorous bat was significantly co...

A Review of Biodiversity-Related Issues and Challenges in Megadiverse Indonesia ...

Indonesia is one of the ten member states of the economically and politically di...

Analysis of The Influence of Reservoirs Utilization to Water Quality Profiles in...

Tropical reservoir is the one ecosystem which is functioning in both ecological ...

Leaf Surface Comparison of Three Genera Araceae in Indonesia

Alocasia, Colocasia and Remusatia are the genera of Araceae family which have hi...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Spread of Invasive Grass in Indonesia: with Comparison to Other Institutions and Government Agencies


Invasive grnss with dominant presence in ecosystem is often a neglected flora component. Meanwhile, the term "invasive" must be standardized, for practical purpose it must be considered as an urgent matter. Various attempts to compile invasive grass in Indonesia were conducted sporadically by several experts across generations. Scattered data along pile of literatures are awaiting to be written in order to produce a comprehensive list of invasive grnss. This paper represents the first attempt in drafting the invasive grass list of Indonesia based on literatures. BIOTROPIA, Vol. 19, No. 1. Hal. 51-57

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