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Dataset Serupa
Water Quality Profiles And The Reservoir Utilization With Special References To ...

Reservoir is one of the unique ecosystems which are functioning in both ecologic...

A Review Of The Genus Syphacia (Nematoda: Oxyuridae) From Murine Rodents In Sout...

The pinworms of the genus Syphacia are of special interest because they have coe...

Palynological Study on Holocene Environmental Change with Special Reference to R...

Holocene mangrove dynamics in the Makassar Strait and developmental history of p...

Water Quality and Quantity Issues of Urban Lakes in Megacity Jakarta

The lakes in urban megacity Jakarta, called as “setu or situ” by the local peopl...

Utilization of Sweet Sorghum Bagasse and Citric Acid in the Manufacturing of Par...

Sweet sorghum bagasse (SSB) and citric acid (CA) were used as sustainable raw ma...

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Analysis of The Influence of Reservoirs Utilization to Water Quality Profiles in Indonesia (Saguling-Jatiluhur) and Malaysia (Temengor-Chenderoh) with Special References to Cascade Reservoirs


Tropical reservoir is the one ecosystem which is functioning in both ecological and economical services. As the settling of water volume, it harbors many species of fish. The objective of this study is to analyze the utilization and management of reservoirs related to their water quality conditions, represent by tropical reservoirs from Indonesia and Malaysia. Survey at Jatiluhur and Saguling (Indonesia) was conducted in March 2014 and September 2015, respectively while in Temengor and Chenderoh (Malaysia), the survey was done in January 2014 and April 2017, respectively. Based on elevation, Saguling and Temengor are upstream reservoirs. On the contrary, Jatiluhur and Chenderoh are downstream reservoirs. The results of the surveys in Jatiluhur and Saguling reservoirs showed that the average depths are 32.9m and 17.9m, respectively. On the other hand, Temengor and Chenderoh reservoirs are 100m and 16.2m, respectively. All of them play multi-functional roles including as a source of power plant, fisheries and tourism, as well as water sources for irrigation. In addition, Saguling and Temengor reservoirs are relatively dendritic in shape. In Indonesia, there are three consecutive reservoirs along Citarum River, whereas in Malaysia there are four consecutive reservoirs along Perak River. The results showed the potential impact of fish cages as pollutant, especially at Indonesian reservoirs. In addition, these tropical reservoirs have become famous tourism getaway. The capabilities of economic values of these reservoirs and ecosystem should be balanced. Basic ecological information is necessary for the next study. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 118. Hal. 1-8

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