Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Indonesia is the top three countries with hepatitis and moreover has 40.000 canc...
Information on genetic diversity of fermentative yeast which produce ethanol is ...
Addressing to the environmental and energy crises in Indonesia, the new alternat...
Sejarah kehidupan menunjukkan bahwa mikroba memprakarsai munculnya kehidupan, ya...
Deskripsi suara 15 jenis kodok di Jawa yang biasa dijumpai sekitar pemukiman man...
INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.
Stability of Recombinant Human Interferon Alpha-2b Produced In Methylotropic Yeast Pichia Pastoris
The stabiIity of recombinant human interferon aIpha -2b (rhlfNa-2b) remains a great challenge for PharmaceuticaI science. In previous research we constructed open reading frame encoding rhlFNa-2b and produced the protein in Pichia pastoris {P. pastoris). This research was aimed to study the stabilityof rhlFNa-2b in threeparameters: temperature, pH and shelf life. The rhlFNa-2b was overproduced by using buffered methanol complex medium (BMMY) at 30 °C for 48 h with 2% of methanol as inducer. Filtration of protein was used by mini mate™ tangential flow filtration system with molecular weight cut off {MWCO) 5 kDa. Purification of rhlFNa-2b was performed by immobilized affinity chromatography column using AKTA purifier system. Colorimetric bicinchoninic acid as say informed that the yield of purified rhlFNa-2b was 10.92 mg/L (OD600 = 2.3). Sodium dodecyl sulphatepolyacrylami de gel electrophoresis {SOS-PAGE) and Western Blot a na I yses confirmed that the protein was rhl FNa-2b with 24 kDa in size. Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time offlight/time of flight (MALDI-TOF/TOF) mass spectrometry identified the protein as hlFNa-2b with 22% of amino acid coverage. Non reducing SDS-PAGE and Image J software analyses showed that temperature incremeot, acidic and basic pH as well as shelf life length caused protein aggregation and degradation. 3-[4.5-dimethylthiazol-2il)-2.5-dipheoyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay informed that the aggregation and degradation reduced the anti-proliferative activity of rhlFNa-2b on human breast cancer MCF-7 cell line. To conclude,all parameters give an impact on rhlFNa-2b stability with the most influencing parameter was temperature at 25 •c. These data can be used to develop rhlFNa-2b formulations as therapeutic protein. Int.J.Res.Pharm.Sci, Vol.6 No.4, Hal.312-320