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Mg Alloy Foam with CaCO3 as Foaming Agent

Pembuatan Paduan Magnesiun berpori dengan CaCO3 sebagai Agen Pengembang

Mg Alloy Foam with CaCO3 as Foaming Agent

Pembuatan Paduan Magnesium berpori dengan CaCO3 sebagai foaming agent

Effect of Heat Treatment on the Properties of Mg-Ca-Zn Alloy Prepared by Powder ...

Mg-Ca-Zn alloy is one of Mg alloy that has been investigated for its potential i...

Processing of porous Mg-Zn-Ca alloy via powder metallurgy

Mg-Zn-Ca alloy is one of magnesium alloys that has been investigated for its pot...

Powder Metallurgy Preparation of Mg-Ca Alloy for Biodegradable Implant Applicati...

Magnesium and its alloys is a promising candidate for implant application especi...

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Structural Properties of Mg-Ca-Zn Alloy with Addition of CaCO3 as Foaming Agent Prepared by Powder Metallurgy Method


Magnesium alloy has received considerable attention as an emerging biodegradable implant material in orthopedic applications. Magnesium alloy has good biocompatibility, biodegradation and proper mechanical properties and there by has the potential to be used as biomedical materials. In this study, Mg-Ca-Zn Alloy was prepared by powder metallurgy method with addition of CaCO3 as foaming agent with different composition (96Mg-Ca-3Zn-CaCO3, 91Mg-Ca-3Zn-5CaCO3, 86Mg-Ca-3Zn-10CaCO3 wt persen). Sintering process was performed at 600oC and 650oC with holding time of 5H. The microstructure analysis were studied by X-Ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscope analysis. The mechanical properties were evaluated using compression strength.The results of microstructure analysis, foaming started to form on the alloy 86Mg-1Ca-3Zn-10CaCO3 with sintering temperature of 600oC, 91Mg-1Ca-3Zn-5CaCO3 sintering temperature of 650oC and 86Mg-1Ca-3Zn-10CaCO3 sintering temperature of 650oC. Mechanical testing results showed that the composition 86Mg-1Ca-3Zn-10CaCO3, both processed at sintering temperature of 600oC and 650oC, has the highest porosity (13,378 persen and 13,789 persen ) with the lowest compression value (185,544 and 159,72 N/mm2). Overall, the specimen of 86Mg-1Ca-3Zn-10CaCO3 sintered at 650oC, showed the best properties with porosity 13,378 persen and Compression value 159,72 N/mm2. Prosiding The 2nd International Confrence on Material and Metallurgical Technology (ICOMMET 2015).

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