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Keanekaragaman jenis dan ekologi sirih- sirihan liar anggota suku Piperaceae di ...

Piperaceae is a families plant which have habitus herb, woody climber and creepi...

Eksplorasi Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Dikawasan Solok Sumatera Barat

Solok is a regency, part of West Sumatra. Exploration and inventory has been don...

Inventarisasi Keanekaragaman Anggrek di Suaka Alam Sulasih Talang Sumatera Barat

Sulasih Talang Nature Reserve is located in West Sumatra Province. covers a ±6.1...

Keanekaragaman Jenis Araliaceae Di Cagar Alam Sago Malintang, Sumatera Barat

Sago Malintang Nature Reserve is one of the conservation areas in West Sumatra w...

Inventarisasi Keanekaragaman Anggrek Di Suaka Alam Sulasih Talang-Sumatera Barat

Suaka Alam Sulasih Talang terletak di propinsi Sumatra Barat dengan luas ±6.150 ...

INFORMASI: Data berikut ini masih dalam proses pemenuhan Prinsip SDI.

Studi Keanekaragaman dan Potensi Suku Piperaceae di Sumatera Barat


The results of research on diversity usages, and potentials of Piperaceae in Maninjau Nature Reserve "Nort-South ", Agam regency and Batang Pangean 11 Natural Reserve, Sijunjung district, • West Sumatra Province showed that 25 species of Piperaceae was existing in the regions those that have been identified, include 21 species consisting, 19 species of the genus Piper and two species of the Peperomia Fourteen species of the Piper are new collections of Bogor Botanical Gardens. About 10 species of Piperacaee are used as medicinal plants and 4 species listed have potential for ornamental plants, while the other eleven species are unknown. Usages all the species have been grown and are being studied in term of acclimatization and cultivation methods for conservation and development in the Bogor Botanical Gardens. Berkala Penelitian Hayati, Edisi Khusus: 5A, 2011. Hal. 35-40

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