Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Suaka Alam Sulasih Talang terletak di propinsi Sumatra Barat dengan luas ±6.150 ...
Suaka Margasatwa (SM) Lambusango terletak di Pulau Buton, Provinsi Sulawesi Teng...
Barumun Wildlife Sanctuary is located in North Sumatra Province, covers a 40.330...
Dalam rangka eksplorasi keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan di Suaka Alam Maninjau Uta...
Panjalu Nature Reserve is located in West Java. The area is about 16 hectare and...
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Inventarisasi Keanekaragaman Anggrek di Suaka Alam Sulasih Talang Sumatera Barat
Sulasih Talang Nature Reserve is located in West Sumatra Province. covers a ±6.150 hectare areas. Orchid Inventory and exploration was conducted to study the orchid diversity in Sulasih Talang Nature Reserve. It was recorded that at least 126 species (in 44 genera) of orchid still can be found in that area. They consist of 98 epiphytic orchids species and 30 terrestrial orchids. They are growing in altitude above 700 as.l. There are 5 species were noted as an endemic orchid of Sumatra, that are Agrostophyllum globiceps, Bulbophyllum sociale. Coelogyne speciosa subsp. funbriata. Eria merapiensis and Paphiopedilum tonsum. While some new records of orchid distribution in Sumatera are Dendrobium minutigibbum. Eria junghuhnij and Eria recurvata.; Some species very common foidid in this areas e.g. Eria cymbidifolia, Ascidieria longifolia. Bulbophyllum lobbii and B. odoralum. The common terrestrial orchids were Arundina graminifolia and Spathoglottis plicata. that usually growing in open places. Prosiding Keanekaragaman Hayati Seminar Nasional Biologi Ilmu Teknologi dan Kongres PBI XIVUIN Maliki Malang, 24-25 Juli 2009. Hal. 174-181 ISBN 978-602-95471-0-8